Twitter lanceert @anywhere: Nieuw app platform

16 maart 2010, 06:53

“We’ve developed a new set of frameworks for adding this Twitter experience anywhere on the web. Soon, sites many of us visit every day will be able to recreate these open, engaging interactions providing a new layer of value for visitors without sending them to Our open technology platform is well known and Twitter APIs are already widely implemented but this is a different approach because we’ve created something incredibly simple. Rather than implementing APIs, site owners need only drop in a few lines of javascript. This new set of frameworks is called @anywhere.”

Dat schreef oprichter en CEO van Twitter Biz Stone gisteren op het company blog. Evan Williams kondigde @anywhere aan op SXSW2010. “Anywhere” moet Twitter nog meer ‘open’ maken dan het al is, het idee is dat partnersites nog gemakkelijker data en links van Twitter in hun sites kunnen integreren. Gebruikers hoeven de partnersite niet meer te verlaten, aldus Wired. Volgens cNet lijkt de dienst op Facebook Connect.

Van april 2007 tot juni 2011 was ik freelance editor/ communitymanager / hoofdredacteur bij Marketingfacts. Tussendoor werkte ik bij Insites Consulting, IDG Nederland, Saatchi&Saatchi;/Leo Burnett (voor Samsung) en voor onderzoeksbureau WUA. Vanaf 1 november 2021 vorm ik samen met Luuk Ros de hoofdredactie van Marketingfacts.


1 Reactie


    Forrester’s first take omtrent Twitter’s @anywhere aankondiging tijdens de SxSW conference gisteren – van social media analyst Augie Ray:

    “Twitter continues to defy expectations–@anywhere may create a means for advertising, but that is not its purpose. Instead, @anywhere will further cement Twitter’s place as the place where information is shared and discovered in real time. The name they’ve chosen is an obvious sign of what Twitter has in mind: They intend to be anywhere you are. Their strategy (along with their impressive list of launch partners such as Yahoo, Bing, YouTube and the New York Times) is to make Twitter the central spot for all real-time information and then make it easy to distribute that information back across the increasingly social web. Think of Twitter following you as you visit eBay, the Huffington Post or, and everywhere you visit you’ll find relevant up-to-date tweets, be able to follow anyone with a click and share what you’re finding and reading without leaving the site you’re visiting.”

    16 maart 2010 om 09:24

Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!