Google’s nieuwe visie op merknamen en AdWords

3 mei 2004, 04:32

Google vindt dat adverteerders die denken dat hun concurrent hun merknaam misbruikt moeten procederen tegen die concurrent, in plaats van tegen Google.

“As a provider of space for advertisements, please note that Google is not in a position to arbitrate trademark disputes between the advertisers and trademark owners. As stated in our Terms and Conditions, the advertisers themselves are responsible for the keywords and ad text that they choose to use.”

Outside the United States and Canada, there are different issues, and Google has accordingly adopted a different approach to advertisers’ requests to purchase trademarked keywords. In many foreign jurisdictions, the critical issue is not consumer confusion. Therefore, outside of the United States and Canada, Google continues to ensure that neither keywords nor ad copy incorporates trademarks.”

Carl Mangold
Video Advertising & Content Producer bij Carl Mangold

Carl Mangold produceert video advertising en -content voor online marketing, van concept tot en met oplevering. Én realiseert en optimaliseert het bereik ervan, op basis van in overleg gedefinieerde KPI's. “People around the world are now watching hours of Youtube’s incredible content every single day!” (Cristos Goodrow, Youtube) “We move towards a world where video is at the heart of all our services” (Mark Zuckerberg, 27 juli 2016) “Video is where all of media is headed right now. There is no more valuable piece of property or entity then video in the world of media at all.” (Casey Neistat, 6 sept. 2016)


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