Sanoma’s Big Idea is ouderwets bekrompen
“Sanoma Uitgevers is altijd op zoek naar nieuwe ideeën in al haar werkgebieden en luistert daarbij graag naar wat jij te zeggen hebt.” lees ik op Sanoma’s Big Idea Contest, waaraan werkelijk iedereen – “jong talent, oud talent, freelancers, studenten, medewerkers van Sanoma, écht iedereen” – kan meedoen. Het klinkt allemaal fantastisch, tot je punt 13 van de voorwaarden leest:
“De Deelnemer draagt alle huidige en toekomstige (intellectuele eigendoms)rechten in hun meest volledige wettelijke omvang op het Ingezonden Materiaal onherroepelijk en onvoorwaardelijk over aan de Organisator. De Deelnemer erkent dat de overdracht mede inhoudt dat de Organisator het Ingezonden Materiaal in alle huidige en toekomstige exploitatievormen in ieder denkbaar medium en wereldwijd kan exploiteren en onbeperkt in licentie kan geven.” Etc. etc.
Bij het doorlezen van die voorwaarden kom je werkelijk nérgens iets tegen waar je blij van wordt. Sanoma denkt alleen aan zichzelf; geen enkele voorwaarde pakt voor een deelnemer positief uit. Het enige pluspuntje is dat je een schamele 2500 euro kunt winnen (als je één van de twee winnaars bent, waarvan er eentje ook nog eens bij Sanoma werkzaam moet zijn).
En als je dan ziet wat je er verder nog allemaal voor moet doen…
“De 25 respectievelijk 8 Deelnemers die uiteindelijk meedingen naar de hoofdprijs dienen maandag 26 tot en met donderdag 29 maart 2007 vrij te houden en zich in dienst te stellen van de Organisator.”
Alleen die taal al. Je dient vier volle dagen vrij te houden, om jezelf onbetaald in dienst te stellen van Sanoma. Dit is toch niet van deze tijd?!?
UPDATE: klik hier voor Sanoma’s reactie.
2500 euro is inderdaad een schijntje als Sanoma er met de rechten van jou idee vandoor gaat. Weinig brandgagement te bekennen bij deze wedstrijd 😉
@Marcel: Inderdaad.
Wat veel beter bij deze tijd zou passen is bijvoorbeeld een concept als:
“Als jij een top idee hebt, schakelen wij er professionals bij om dat idee tot een volwaardig blad uit te werken. Je blijft daarbij vanzelfsprekend eigenaar van je idee, en krijgt een leuk betaalde plek in de bladredactie.”
… en voor de niet-winnaars zou dít aanzienlijk beter klinken:
“Als je met jouw idee niet wint, wil dat natuurlijk nog niet zeggen dat er niets mee te doen valt. Ga er in dat geval dus vooral zelf mee aan de slag, of zoek een andere uitgever. Veel succes!”
Ik zal Sanoma morgen eens bellen om te vragen waarom ze nou eigenlijk nog voor zo’n ouderwets, juridisch dichtgetimmerd ‘exploiteer je klant’-concept gekozen hebben.
Goed dat je dit even expliciet belicht Carl.
Marco, hoe zit dat (auteurstrecht, commerciele exploitatie) eigenlijk met de bijdragen van alle bloggers op Marketingfacts…? Het Sanoma of het Carl model;-)?
Ongelooflijk die voorwaarden. Je moet wel héél erg wanhopig op zoek zijn naar wat erkenning om daar aan mee te gaan doen. Pure uitbuiterij.
@Yme, Carl: goed punt, ik denk dat we inderdaad een standaard Creative Commons link onder aan de pagina’s van Marketingfacts moeten opnemen.
Ik denk dat de door jou gekozen licentie eigenlijk voor software bedoeld is, Yme. Aan teksten moet volgens mij niet ‘gerommeld’ kunnen worden, het vrij maar onbewerkt mogen kopiëren en citeren (met bronvermelding) biedt mijns inziens al genoeg vrijheid om er leuke nieuwe dingen mee te kunnen doen.
@Yme: thx! Even voor de duidelijkheid, als ik een link naar die pagina op elke pagina van Marketingfacts opneem is dat dan voldoende? Heb me eerlijk gezegd nooit zo verdiept in de juridische aspecten van Creative Commons.
@Carl: welke zou jij mij adviseren?
@Marco: Yep, zo simpel is CC-licencing. Ik zou de licentie waarnaar ik hierboven verwijs adviseren.
Enneh… die ©2007 die er nu staat moet dan natuurlijk even verwijderd worden 😉
@Yme, Carl: heb inmiddels de copyrights op al mijn pagina’s aangepast!
@Yme: wat is het voordeel van die link naar ‘Publiek Domein’?
@Yme: Je kúnt alle licenties inderdaad ook voor tekst gebruiken, maar ik vind licenties die ook het wijzigen van je teksten toestaan toch wat minder handig. Iedereen mag van mij alles kopieëren en citeren, voor elk doel dat ie maar bedenken kan, zolang hij er maar niet aan gaat rommelen.
@Carl: wat een ouderwets bekrompen gedachte 😉
Ik heb even met Nathalie van Sanoma’s afdeling Corporate Communications gebeld voor een reactie, en daar kwam het volgende uit:
Op mijn vraag of Sanoma al eens nagedacht heeft over het gebruik van Creative Commons licenties op haar producten kon Nathalie helaas geen antwoord geven. En degenen die dat wél zouden kunnen,
zijn op vakantiega ik morgen maar eens opbellen.Sanoma’s Big Idea Contest maakt overigens deel uit van de bladenmakersweek, waar iedereen gratis en voor nix meer dan 100 workshops kan bijwonen.
Carl – kleine correctie – mijn collega’s van Juridische Zaken kunnen je iets vertellen over Creative Commons. En die zijn niet allemaal op vakantie :-). Meer informatie over die inspirerende Bladenmakersweek, met veel sprekers van Sanoma Uitgevers, maar ook andere vakspecialisten zoals Marco Derksen met ‘Trends in interactieve marketing’ en veel bekende Nederlanders, via
@ Carl, nu stel je mij toch wat teleur. Als het merk Mangold echt brandgagement wil dan moet je je gebruikers toch in staat stellen om echt met je te interacteren. Om je werk te sampelen, te remixen en whatever not 😉
Ik zal ff controversieel mijn mening geven op deze contest:
Deze contest is voor mensen in loondienst (en studenten) die niet de ballen hebben om zelf een concept uit te voeren! Elke ondernemer ziet hier dat je niet moet beginnen aan zo’n deal als je zelf geld wilt verdienen.
@ Maurice: ik vind je antwoord ietwat kort door de bocht. Vooral voor studenten is vaak het financiële gedeelte van een concept een knelpunt. Het blijft jammer dat Universiteiten en Hogescholen nauwelijks inspelen op de creativiteit van de student. Volgens mij zijn er nog genoeg mogelijkheden op dit vlak. Hierdoor zijn veel studenten vaak aangewezen op dit soort ‘contests’ waarbij enige twijfel rond Sanoma’s rol niet geheel ongepast is denk ik.
Ouderwetse ideeën van een ouderwetse bladenmogul moeten bestreden worden met een klasssieke mars op de Sanoma hoofdburelen. Wel geweldloos, in de traditie van MLK en Ghandi. De grens ligt bij rotte tomaten! Driewerf schande voor The Biggest Brain Robbery! En het dan nog allemaal zo lekker onschuldig en hip verpakken ook nog.
En wat doen wij? Alleen maar een beetje heen en weer bloggen?
De barricade op!
Grote groet,
Ik begrijp trouwens best dat Sanoma paal en perk wil stellen aan de rechten etc. Maar is er niet ergens een tussenoplossing tussen 2500 euro en tja, het bedrag dat een winnend idee kan gaan opleveren? Ik bedoel als het de markt opgaat doet het toch al gauw, wat zal het zijn? Zou de winnaar dan nog een keer 10.000 mogen hebben of zo? Nog een koopje!
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“This means that many organisms inhabiting these habitats are being repeatedly and chronically exposed to effective concentrations of these insecticides.” Call for ‘substantial reduction’ Neonics can persist in soil for more than 1,000 days, and in woody plants for over a year, and the compounds into which they break down can be more toxic than the original, active ingredients. air max pas cher homme Il Partito Liberaldemocratico guidato dal premier Shinzo Abe ha esercitato forti pressioni sul riluttante alleato di maggioranza New Komeito, che dopo molte esitazioni ha accettato di supportare il nuovo approccio interpretativo alla Costituzione ultrapacifista introdotta sotto l’occupazione americana. escarpins louboutin Che si tratti del nuovo aeroporto internazionale di Luanda, della ferrovia che attraversa il Paese da Est a Ovest o della nuova città di Kilamba, gigantesco agglomerato alle porte della capitale pensato per ospitare 500mila persone, la progettazione e costruzione è sempre stata garantita dai giganti cinesi dell’edilizia e dell’ingegneria. Negli ultimi anni, dopo il ritiro degli americani alla fine del 2011, le immagini degli eccidi che avevano insanguinato l’Iraq per quasi un decennio erano scivolate ai margini delle cronache.
Insects chirped tirelessly in the surrounding shrub-covered hills, and every so often, cars, trucks and motorbikes roared down the concrete road that winds through the village. Generally, though, everything is quiet until the late afternoon, when children walk briskly home after school in groups of two or three. hollister en france La colpa di queste povere ragazze era, sembra, quella di seguire corsi di lingua inglese, indispensabili per decollare negli studi ed emanciparsi dalla povertà e dalla costrizione delle tradizioni. air jordan homme Ne sono seguite le polemiche degli ecologisti e le contestazioni di chi sostiene che gli espropri delle terre per la costruzione del Canale sono incostituzionali. Così come si è detto che le riserve della Banca centrale del Nicaragua non sono spendibili per interventi di spesa.
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They arrived at Xing’s apartment in Sanya in the afternoon. Xing suggested she stay with him to save money, she said. hogan bambino Forgers in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, reportedly cut the watermarks from real 100-yuan banknotes and pasted them onto fake ones distributing them among migrant workers who usually assessed banknotes by the watermarks. hogan rebel uomo The mainland’s first case of swine flu, a 30-year-old student surnamed Bao who recently returned from the US, is expected to make a full recovery, the ministry said. hogan outlet SPANISH MotoGP rider Dani Pedrosa broke his collarbone after crashing his Honda in yesterday’s practice for the weekend’s Japanese Grand Prix at the Motegi Circuit in Motegi. moncler-uomo Chinese President Hu Jintao yesterday urged the world’s major economies to work together to promote growth and financial stability.
Nyima County, covering about 70,000 square km and with an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters, has a population of 34,000. hogan sito ufficiale So far, the issue of the penalty relies on spot checks, so it is more about deterrence and discipline, said Zhang Jianguo, deputy head of the city management committee. scarpe hogan uomo A PERSON was killed and 11 were injured yesterday morning in a traffic accident caused by a concrete mixer truck in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. hogan roma Air China has cancelled five one-way flights and eight return flights leaving from Beijing and Shanghai to European cities, including Rome, Madrid, Moscow and Frankfurt. Chen told health workers to visit every village and household in the countryside to check for cases of the childhood virus, after health officials said on Friday that more than 41,840 cases had been detected in all the provincial areas on the Chinese mainland except the Tibet Autonomous Region. Most cases were in rural areas.
The launch center will hold a meeting at 10:30am today to decide whether to begin the final stage of fueling of the Long March 3C rocket, the last procedure before the launch, based on weather conditions, said Li. hogan online In Kaili, the injured were being treated in local hospitals. A statement from the Kaili government said all were in a stable condition. scarpe hogan donna The organizer will recruit about 1,000 more interns at the end of the year to work in the Expo bureau, national pavilions or government institutions at the Expo site borse hogan Animal lovers took to the street in several protests last year to urge local governments to stop people from eating cats and dogs. The pandas would give birth in this semi-wild environment and teach their cubs how to forage for food and survive in the wild, he said.
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The CEIBS Open Enrolment Executive Education program rose from 20th worldwide in 2008 to 19th this year. outlet hogan The lovers will spend our money, sleep in our bed, with out husband, and even beat out children when they became the step mother, the newspaper quoted an unnamed woman describing the terrible scene if the battle against “someone else” failed. hogan sito ufficiale The 5-plus-1 mechanism involves the permanent UN Security Council members — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — plus Germany. outlet hogan online The duo stabbed him in his thigh, chest and buttocks before fleeing on September 16. Cui died in hospital. The suspect then jabbed Shen’s left thigh with a pair of scissors, and forced him to drive against a one-way street to Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, the 45-year-old Dazhong taxi driver said. The suspect then stabbed Shen’s right arm, Shen said.
Qiu was arrested on July 29 and his wife was caught two days later. The prosecutors decided to press charges against them after finding they had allegedly provided benefits and services for others in exchange for money on several occasions. hogan roma Wen said “his deep love” for his wife Hu Jing, the mother of their two children, forced him to take her off life support so that “she could die with dignity and be free of pain,” the court heard on Thursday. hogan interactive CHINA said yesterday that its police will open fire on any future school attackers “without mercy” after the deadliest in a string of recent assaults killed seven preschoolers and two adults this week. hogan rebel uomo If the ballistic missile is regarded as a spear, now we have succeeded in building a shield for self-defense, Tan said. The latest cold snap in northern Xinjiang that sent the temperature to minus 45.7 degrees Celsius in Fuyun County has left at least four people dead and more than 600 injured in the whole region, incurring huge economic losses.
He said that authorities “summoned representatives of in China and urged them to remove the content immediately.” scarpe hogan The S&P cut in the US long-term credit rating by a notch to AA-plus resulted from concerns about the nation’s budget deficits and climbing debt burden. The move is likely to raise borrowing costs for the US government, companies and consumers. hogan prezzi The gang of three had committed more than 10 robberies since May involving goods worth 50,000 yuan (US$7,367). The suspects then pretended to be delivery men and sold the spoils at the recipients’ address. hogan outlet online The travelers may receive approval from the local exit and entry administration if they want to leave the airports temporarily. moncler-online We should change the criteria for evaluating officials’ work. The supreme criterion for assessing their performance is whether the people feel happy and satisfied, rather than skyscrapers, he said.
Most of them were included in the aircraft fly past during the National Day military parade on Oct. 1 this year in Beijing, he said. hogan 2014 All companies and institutions should stop producing, marketing or using medicines containing dextropropoxyphene from July 31, it said. outlet hogan A LIGHT to moderate snow blanketed north China today, leaving more than 80 flights out of Beijing delayed or cancelled. hogan uomo The statue was lying on its stomach when it was found. Though the paint on its armor has faded after more than 2,000 years of burial, Xu said the general was originally painted in rich colors. Chen Fashu, 50, also from Fujian, occupied third position after donating US$100 million last year.
Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China with its own legal and financial system and a high degree of autonomy. outlet hogan But the pass will play a critical role for the administration to determine whether the license should be issued or not, the committee authorities told the newspaper. hogan scarpe The powder was given as debt payment by another company, whose name was not revealed. hogan prezzi This follows online accusations that the Palace Museum had turned its Jianfu Palace into a private club targeting billionaires, with membership fees of 1 million yuan (US$153,726). CHINA has released 66 new state standards for the country’s milk industry, scrapping a rule that had allowed limited amounts of melamine, a poisonous chemical, in dairy products.
When she woke up the next morning, she was lying beside Xing, but had her clothes on. However, she said, her panties were damp and her private parts were sore. hogan bambino The bureau has sent about 20 psychological therapists to the school to deal with possible post-traumatic stress. scarpe hogan donna IN an outdoor gym class in Beijing, parents are holding their young ones’ arms helping them follow the teacher’s moves. None of the autistic kids are focusing on the teacher as they move awkwardly — gently pulled this way and that by their parents. outlet hogan online Racing had been unbeaten since the turn of the year but had struggled to create much danger and just before the break it failed to deal with Simao’s low cross allowing Reyes to stroke home the second. piumini-moncler Hugh MacDiarmid, a Scot working in Shanghai, said he had been interviewed during the census preparations.
Eight people died in hospital after medical treatment failed to save their lives. hogan uomo About 100 armed police officers holding shields dispersed the protesters. When the crowds tried to break through a police cordon, the police fired tear gas, forcing the protesters back. hogan rebel donna This kind of strong typhoon is very rare for this season in Shantou. We are treating it as a ‘super strong typhoon’ and making our preparations accordingly, said a relief official. borse hogan A Chinese central government official today dismissed the Dalai Lama’s claim as being “legal representative” of Tibetans. We beefed up the manpower for security checks during last year’s Beijing Olympic Games, Liu said. “But that was only a primary plan.”
At the court hearing on Tuesday, Li said the only reasonable explanation was that the gun misfired when Gao tried to snatch it. He said it was against his nature to start a fight after he was drunk. outlet hogan online Working from a previous investigation, the State Council has formed a joint task force from eight of its departments for the further investigation, he added. hogan scarpe Frequent hand washing and drinking water, not eating raw food, good ventilation and sunshine can protect children. outlet hogan The Intermediate People’s Court of Xiangtan, Hunan Province, found the gang led by Wang Yongzhong guilty of gambling, drug trafficking, assaults and holding people against their will. The group made illegal profits of more than 10 million yuan (US$1.65 million), the court said. When Yang finally left, the husband pursued him and then began fighting him. This attracted the attention of other members of the public security team who detained Yang.
Volunteers who work inside the Expo site will be used as information consultants, assistant receptionists, helpers for physically challenged people, event coordinators, assistant guides, interpreters, media coordinators and management assistants. scarpe hogan outlet It initially required all new computers to be equipped with Green Dam starting July 1 last year. But it dropped the mandatory requirement in the face of opposition from many personal computer vendors and Internet users. hogan scarpe Fu called his wife Huang Guoqiao three hours after he was interrogated, saying he could not bear it any more, the report said. hogan outlet Juli Inkster, the 49-year-old American Hall of Famer who began the round tied with Miyazato for the lead, shot a 74 to tie for ninth at five under. outlet-moncler The provincial disaster-relief and civil affairs authorities have launched an emergency response plan.
If the weather improves, rescuers may tow the empty freighter to safety, Jin said. hogan outlet online Realizing that the nearest route to escape had been blocked by toppled equipment, gas monitor Wang Shili left a message on the wall with a chalk, “Dead end here. Exit from Northern Tunnel.” hogan rebel The inoculations will not be suspended, said Zhang Jianshu, director of the publicity department of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. “Beijing has reported no serious adverse reactions.” hogan rebel Thirty flights were delayed due to the suspension, affecting about 1,000 passengers, the spokesman said. Liu Xiangmei, who works opposite the sanatorium, said: “A man rushed out, apparently with injured legs.”
They were involved in torturing Xu Gengrong, a high school student from Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province, leading to his death on March 8, the court said. borse hogan Public security authorities in Jilin and Gansu provinces have intensified identification checks in hotels and rented homes near exam venues as they search for vendors of cheating devices. hogan scarpe Zhang, who had been drinking with friends on the night of August 5, knocked down two pedestrians when riding at a crossing in Jixi’s Jiguan District, the court said. scarpe hogan outlet Figures from China Salt showed that 370,000 tons of edible salt were sold on Thursday, the amount normally sold in 24 days. Known for its tender, music-like rhythm, the Wu dialect is spoken by some 80 million people in China’s south and east.
At that time, 75 miners were working in the shaft, of whom four were immediately killed and 22 managed to escape or were pulled out alive as of yesterday. hogan rebel donna He has been hiding in Canada for more than a decade because Canadian law forbids extraditing criminals to countries where they will face the death penalty. hogan uomo It was not until 2006 that our graduates began to join the army. So far, 38 students have been recruited by the military for their talent in auto repair, cooking and electric welding, said Zhou Hui, director of the school’s general office, who stressed it was natural for someone to join the army at a proper age. hogan prezzi I’ve had a mental breakdown, he said. “I felt their wrongdoing and my innocence can never be proved.” giubbotto-pelle-uomo It’s really an American institution, a celebration of American values, he said after the parade. “I think people see those in me, and I’m glad.”
The magazine cited an insider as saying that Zhang promoted these projects and was rewarded with a Shanghai villa for his efforts. hogan 2014 Fu died about 9am that morning after emergency treatment. Cui and Han were injured and treated at the hospital. outlet hogan SOME funeral parlors in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality have run out diesel oil, forcing incinerators to stop working, Chongqing Evening News reported today. hogan interactive Over 100 Thrangu -monastery monks have been living in tents since the disaster. Work crews will start rebuilding the monastery at the end of March. Wen also visited a Tibetan Buddhist temple and said the government would help in the rebuilding of monasteries.
Teng said he will appeal the sentence. He argued that he was singled out in the case because he was an adult. During the trial, Teng acted as if he didn’t care about the case at all, the report said. hogan rebel uomo Other hotels in the country are also offering Chinese New Year’s Eve dinners at high prices. Landison Plaza Hotel Hangzhou in Zhejiang province has a similar dinner package available for 199,000 yuan. The package includes a luxury dinner, accommodation in the presidential suite and traditional performances that reflect Hangzhou culture, such as a tea ceremony and music played on traditional stringed and woodwind instruments. hogan outlet online The ministry also issued an urgent circular requiring its offices to conduct thorough examinations of local slaughterhouses and strict implementation of quality inspection systems. hogan outlet online The girl said she had introduced three girls to Chen who paid her about 5,000 yuan including money for an abortion. Chen is said to have told her he had had sex with many girls from the school over seven years. Another man was injured after he joined the rescue work. He was also taken to hospital.
Householders can take part in activities organized by the neighborhood committee – such as watching a live broadcast of the ceremony on August 12 or visiting scenic attractions – during the five hours the authorities want them out of their homes. hogan 2014 The report said 1.08 million tons of pollutants, including arsenic, were discharged into the sea in the Pearl River Delta last year, and about 70 percent of them from the mouth of the Pearl River. hogan prezzi Lin Guoquan, the company’s manager, was jailed for two years with a reprieve of three years, and Zheng Xiaomeng, the company’s operational director, received a one-year sentence with a reprieve of two years, today’s Qianjiang Evening News reported. hogan roma Bad luck for Dani and it’s not good news for the championship, Lorenzo told reporters. “Obviously the best way to win the world title is with all the riders in the best condition.” giubbotto-moncler Zhang Lan, Wang’s mother, said that she opted for Hainan Island because it was surrounded by sea and mountains, symbols for eternal love in Chinese culture. She denied widespread rumors that Hsu was pregnant.
He stressed that it was unnecessary to worry about the foreign milk products which are already in the market. hogan bambino Zhang Yang, one of the team’s leaders, said: “We feel proud to be part of the team. Not everyone can be selected.” hogan prezzi The girl lived at the local town government compound and her parents served as migrant workers elsewhere. outlet hogan online As well as the wedding invitations, Chen is under investigation by local prosecutors for dereliction of duty, according to Han Binkun, director of Longhai Industrial and Commercial Administration. Chen’s assistant Xie Lili is being investigated for the same offence. Thursday morning, advising vessels to take shelter in ports or detour around the typhoon area. It also urged people in the path of the typhoon to shut doors and windows and avoid outdoor activities.
Foxconn built a factory in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan Province, last August to improve working conditions and reduce costs and ensure workers could be employed closer to their hometowns. hogan interactive donna Japan was possible to stress building East Asian Community to strengthen trilateral cooperation, while the ROK side might touch upon topic of the denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Liu said. scarpe hogan outlet The man was stopped by police for a routine alcohol test on August 15 when he was heading home from a party at 3am. A breath test indicated that the man was driving under the influence of alcohol. Police also said he was carrying a fake license. hogan bambino A MEDICAL professor said he would apply for a retrial after a court in Beijing yesterday rejected his appeal and upheld the five-and-a-half month sentence against him for hiring men to attack two people who had accused him of making fraudulent claims about the effects of his surgical procedures. MIIT spokesman Liu Lihua said the software could be switched off and uninstalled by computer users.
On February 3, 2009, the former vice governor of the Pudong New Area, Kang Huijun, was sentenced to life in prison for bribery by the Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court. hogan interactive donna About 6,000 students from four schools had to stay home yesterday, as their schools were inaccessible because of the flood waters, said the county’s education chief Yuan Tie. scarpe hogan donna The body was identified as Aliaga Oyarce Luis Dante, a 50-year-old man working for a Chilean freighter named Donraul. The sailor’s colleagues made the identification, police said. hogan bambino Alan J. Bailey, a senior vice president of Paramount Pictures Corporation, will be the director, the newspaper said. moncler-milano The man was sentenced on Thursday in the Intermediate People’s Court in Zhongshan City, in southern China’s Guangdong Province, a court spokesman said yesterday.
AN official in east China Anhui Province was jailed for 11 years for taking bribes and abusing his power to help a forced demolition that led to the house owner’s suicide. hogan outlet More than half of the students on the list were taking executive MBA courses offered to corporate leaders and government officials. spaccio hogan A Defense Ministry survey in July found that 1.44 million male graduates expressed interest in military service. scarpe hogan Li often conducted training courses with female disciples, China Business News reported yesterday. Han said she had lost all hope after looking after her disabled children for 13 years. The twins were born premature and suffered brain damage in childbirth.
Under both systems couples must apply, presenting documents to family planning officials to prove eligibility. エアジョーダン スニーカー Deng said the ministry last year monitored drinking water in 29,825 spots that covered all municipalities and provincial-level capitals, 91.5 percent of prefecture-level cities and 46.7 percent of counties and county-level cities. ジョーダン State security and social stability are preconditions for reform and development, Xi said, adding that only when the nation is safe and society is stable can reform and development constantly advance. エアジョーダン6 Most of the money was spent on paying interest and on Wang’s extravagant lifestyle, the court said. More than 80,000 passengers would not be able to board their trains, according to the company’s estimates.
Victims and their families did not even dare to speak the name “Liu” out loud, referring to them as “that family” instead, Xinhua said. エアジョーダン1 China will continue to shore up growth and improve peoples livelihoods, Premier Li Keqiang said during an inspection tour in Tianjin City. エアジョーダン The landslide, which occurred around 8am in Mohong Township in Fuyuan County in the city of Qujing, engulfed three employee dormitories at the Xinxin Coal Mine, burying ten people, according to a statement from the county publicity office. ジョーダン Some units have suspended building projects that are against the rules, canceled unnecessary overseas trips, and audited spending of public funds on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips, as well as VIP or membership cards that had been received as gifts. moncler-piumini As a daily commuter, Zhang dreaded the overcrowded trains and decided to dress like a pregnant woman to win sympathy and get a seat. She bought a silicon belly from an online seller and never expected it would break with daily squeeze.
The standing committee of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) decided at a meeting to remove Li from his post of top provincial political advisor as well as his CPPCC member. エアジョーダン6 FIFTEEN people who survived devastating bombing attacks against Chongqing during the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945) will sue the Japanese government in a domestic court for compensation. エアジョーダン6 So far, more than 1,000 organ donors have come through the new system, benefiting at least 3,000 patients, Huang said. ジョーダン Every time I buy something online, I donate some money to online charity programs, university student Li Fan said. “Most of the time, my donations are just a very small sum of money. Without online donations, I don’t think I would bother going all the way to the charitable organizations to donate such a small amount of money,” she said. Two people, whose injuries are said to be not life-threatening, are being treated in a nearby hospital.
The majority of women and girls refused to report for fear of retribution and banishment by their spouses and the community, Ban’s report said. “In rebel-controlled zones, rape was used as a tactic of war.” ジョーダン スニーカー AN east China official has been sacked after a picture of him being given a piggyback across a flooded path during a search for missing children went viral online. エアジョーダン5 A PROFESSOR of public health with Peking University who downplayed the dangers of plasticizers and melamine said he “still holds his ground” on his claims but wanted to apologize for “making the speech” , Xinhua news agency reported yesterday. ジョーダン1 Ordinary Chinese have increasingly turned to social media to expose government corruption, ending a number of officials careers. Following his retirement from racing, he said he hoped “people will remember me and not forget me.”
THE Obama administration dashed the hopes of geeks by rejecting an official petition calling for the US government to build a Death Star, the planet-destroying space station from “Star Wars.” air force 1 He was less than three meters ahead of us, Wang recalled, saying Zhou’s first shot missed him by about a centimeter. エアジョーダン 通販 RAILWAY police have handled 5,117 drug-related cases since the beginning of 2012, detaining 5,144 suspects, according to police authorities under the Ministry of Railways. ジョーダン スニーカー The emergency plan has four levels of disastrous alerts. Grade 2, or the second highest level, implies “serious disastrous weather.” The top level signifies “specially severe.” “The weather authorities in the worst-hit areas like Shanghai, Anhui and Jiangsu should adopt the emergency mode and report to the administration, issue high temperature alerts and update the weather reports to the public in time,” the state meteorological administration said. piumini-moncler Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum renamed the tower Burj Khalifa after the president of the United Arab Emirates and the ruler of the neighboring emirate of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan.
When they inspected the shipment, officers found 541 bricks of cocaine hidden in a shipment of laurel wood. エアジョーダン6 The anti-terror fight must combine the forces of both professionals and the public, said An Weixing, director of the ministry’s anti-terror bureau. エアジョーダン11 A MAN surnamed Cao was given one year in prison and ordered to pay compensation of 5,500 yuan (US$903) for spreading indecent photos of his ex-girlfriend on the Internet as revenge for their breakup. ジョーダン WeChat, developed by Internet giant Tencent, allows people to send texts, photos, videos and voice messages over mobile phones. Chow had cut herself on a shell and received medical treatment before resuming her 3-kilometer run, The Standard newspaper said.
Petitioning, or “letters and visits,” is Chinas administrative system for hearing complaints and grievances from members of the public. It often involves groups traveling to the seat of government in Beijing. エアジョーダン 通販 Chen demanded an inspection on suspicion that that value exceeds Tian’s income. The apartments are registered under her husband, son and other relatives, Chen wrote. ジョーダン スニーカー The patent prices offered by IDC to Huawei have been much higher, sometimes even hundreds of times higher, than to other companies. air force 1 The driver compensated 4,000 yuan (US$640) to the owner of the car on the scene, but Dong kept the license as he suspected it was forged, according to the police Dong asked the driver for 200 yuan and on receiving it returned the license on June 5. The statement didn’t disclose the cost of the acquisition. But ACL Bank said in March that ICBC would pay 18.29 billion Thai baht (US$545 million) in the deal.
The carrier has yet to become fully operational, however, and military experts say it could be decades before China catches up to the far superior and larger US carriers. エアジョーダン11 The killer became notorious for robbing people withdrawing money from banks and repeatedly dodging police manhunts. エアジョーダン 通販 But when farming turned into a big business, more land could go for profitable crops such as potatoes and onions, and big orders of seeds and fertilizer can ensure deeper discounts in price. エアジョーダン Brazil and Mexico, Latin America’s biggest economies, are China’s two biggest clients in the region. moncler-outlet-online It seems to be creating some oil price inflation in the short run that we’re probably going to pay for down the road, Flynn said.
However, its popularity has declined in recent years amid complaints that it is rigid and outdated. ジョーダン However, the J-15 will be more competitive to the F-35 in future when the Chinese jet is equipped with made-in-China engines because the US jet has only a single engine, he said. エアジョーダン11 Whether I’m minister of railways or not does not matter, Sheng said. “The key is to develop China’s railways. I’m subordinate to the needs of the national cause.” エアジョーダン5 A total of 16 people who have had close contact with the two have not shown signs of flu symptoms. This transaction will create a leading global animal protein enterprise, said Shuanghui International’s CEO Zhijun Yang.
Another Air China flight, CA1578 from Nanchang of Jiangxi Province to Beijing, was also threatened on Monday. エアジョーダン A total of 40,000 Baoxing residents are waiting to be relocated as most houses in Lingguan Township and Daxi Village in the county have suffered damage. エアジョーダン1 Li urged local governments to merge poverty alleviation resources to ensure assistance is better targeted. air force 1 The 22-year-old, identified as Alsubaie, was caught sexually assaulting a 38-year-old Chinese woman in front of a restaurant gate early in the morning of April 4. Angry witnesses seized him and called police after the man stripped off the victims pants and raped her, the court said. Subscription Free Sign-up Visitors Newspaper PDF Website access 1-week trial limited Mobile apps Newsletter Price RMB 820/year RMB 500/year Free Free A policeman who threw a baby to the ground after a drinking session was sentenced to a three-year prison term by a court in central Chinas Henan Province yesterday.
US student Amanda Knoxs second appeals trial in the murder of her British roommate opened yesterday, but the star defendant was absent. エアジョーダン スニーカー Min then allegedly rushed to the school and wounded 22 students. The injured students are between six and 12 years old, said the hospitals. エアジョーダン1 The regions Department of Justice appealed for a review, said barrister Albert W.H. Luk. A hearing will be scheduled, the newspaper reported. エアジョーダン11 China’s demand coincided with a sea standoff between Chinese and Philippine vessels over the Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, but Roxas said he believed Beijing’s decision was not linked. piumini-moncler The risk is high – actually it’s too risky for an ALS patient to be pregnant at all, said Wu.
After a quarter century, authorities believed they had linked him to the disappearance of his old neighbor John Sohus, a 27-year-old computer programmer. エアジョーダン 通販 A little over 44 percent of respondents said they feel fatigued, according to a latest report by Insight China, a magazine administered by Qiushi, the flagship magazine of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. エアジョーダン11 By yesterday, however, after the television report, Xiong had received a total of more than 15,000 yuan, including money returned by some of the passers-by and donations. エアジョーダン11 Besides the restriction on plates, Tianjin will also follow Beijings step in adopting a traffic restriction scheme, which blocks cars from streets depending on the last digit of their plates, with two numbers banned each workday. Overall, the outbreak is at a stage where it can be prevented and contained, Li was quoted as saying by CCTV.
Photographs of the visit showed the first lady using a long stick to pass apples to pandas in a grassy enclosure next to a sign that warned against feeding them. エアジョーダン11 Over 1,700 aftershocks had been monitored in Lushan as of 10pm, with the strongest measuring 5.4-magnitude, making the already ramshackle houses even more dangerous and the rescue efforts more life-threatening. ジョーダン スニーカー FOUR forestry officials in Zixi County, Jiangxi Province, have been sacked after media reports said rhesus monkeys, an endangered species, were rampantly hunted and sold to restaurants, with some ending up on the tables of government banquets. エアジョーダン6 Foreign friends can also care about urban management in China, the head of Xinghuacun Sub district said, adding that the city would invite people from different backgrounds to become urban management volunteers in the following months. I tell you once again, with a responsible attitude, that this is completely for the sake of Taiwans economic future, said Ma, under whose rule since 2008 Taiwan has signed landmark trade and economic agreements with the mainland.
Any breaches of the law will be severely dealt with, the Ministry of Education and the National Health and Family Planning Commission said. エアジョーダン5 The Beijing subway map may guide passengers wherever they want to go in the city, but the producers of a new “anti-pickpocket map” hope it will ensure they arrive with all their belongings in tow. エアジョーダン Fellow researcher Liu Simin said three-day breaks were too short for a proper vacation and did little to boost the tourism industry. ジョーダン1 It was fitted with modern facilities and had bathrooms and a playground. A local education official estimated total investment was more than 1 million yuan (US$164,100). moncler-bambino The man hardly had any money when he arrived, police said. Besides visiting Internet cafes to commit thefts, he also looked for opportunities to steal by wandering through local villages, where many farmers leave their house doors unlocked, police said.
Huo told the victims to meet him at hotel rooms and raped them, in some cases videotaping the encounters. He then used the videotapes to blackmail them, the court said. ジョーダン1 It must find institutional solutions to the problem, as nearly two decades of crackdowns have not stopped the sex trade from growing, Zhu said. エアジョーダン 通販 Speaking as he arrived, the Chinese President said he hoped the visit will help strengthen mutual trust, promote practical cooperation and deepen their friendship. The two sides then held talks at the royal palace on Amsterdams central Dam square. During his stay in the Netherlands, Xi Jinping is expected to meet parliamentary leaders, as well as Prime Minister Mark Rutte. He will also attend the third Nuclear Security Summit at the Hague. エアジョーダン スニーカー Official statistics show that the region saw tourism arrivals of 29,900 from January to July, bringing total revenues of 6.57 million yuan (US$1.08m). The Chinese government informed the embassies of relevant countries in time after the incident. It also facilitated visits to the injured by consuls of relevant countries, she said, adding that the Chinese side will continue to provide necessary assistance.
PRESIDENT Xi Jinping said yesterday that cooperation among BRICS countries is conducive to a more balanced world economy and the improvement of global economic governance. エアジョーダン 通販 The topless man later ran into a nearby Walmart store and was captured by police at about 9 am, according to the statement. ジョーダン1 More than 20 people were injured when a 5.5-magnitude earthquake hit southwest China’s Yunnan Province this afternoon, local authorities have reported. エアジョーダン11 In March 2005, Beijing changed the regulation and allowed temporary residents the right to get license plates. Jurors have played an important role in improving justice and credibility of the judicial system, he said.
The stretch of rural Oregon interstate in the United States where a tour bus crashed through a guardrail and plummeted 31 meters down a steep embankment is so notorious that state transportation officials have published a specific advisory warning of its dangers. エアジョーダン1 Collecting the experiment tray was Vinogradov’s last task outside. The tray drifted toward the solar panels of the main Russian space station compartment, called Zvezda, Russian for Star. Flight controllers did not believe it struck anything, and the object was not thought to pose a safety hazard in the hours and days ahead. エアジョーダン11 AUTHORITIES in the city of Jiuquan, northwest Chinas Gansu Province, yesterday issued a level III emergency alert in response to the death of a resident from pneumonic plague. air force 1 Shi Qingfeng, a spokesman for China’s State Oceanic Administration, confirmed yesterday that a Chinese marine surveillance plane was “disturbed” by Japanese military aircraft while patrolling airspace near the islands. Japan’s action was a bid to escalate the situation, and it should bear the consequences of the action, Shi said. The Chinese plane was conducting a routine patrol in “China’s undisputed airspace” about 150 kilometers away from the islands, he said. moncler-outlet If OPEC did call for less crude production, it could be the tipping point that forces oil prices higher, analyst and trader Stephen Schork said.
Speaking during a visit to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing, the premier warned people to prepare for new developments amid fears H7N9 could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans. ジョーダン スニーカー Excessive logging was taking its toll by the early 1980s, with many people blaming the loss of forest cover for droughts and floods. エアジョーダン11 Liu Deshan attempted to commit suicide on many occasions. He finally persuaded his soft-hearted sister, Liu Defang, to feed him pesticide. The sister then allegedly asked the maid to pour pesticide into milk and feed her brother. Her brother then died of poisoning, police told the newspaper. エアジョーダン The blaze happened at about 1:15 am in the inpatient building of the Lianhe Senior Nursing Home in Hailun City, according to the municipal government’s publicity department. China’s agriculture authority said its tests had found 14 more H7N9-positive poultry samples in east China. The virus was detected in 11 chicken samples from Jiangsu, two duck samples from Zhejiang and a duck sample from Anhui Province, the Ministry of Agriculture said.
Bild am Sonntag said that Obama wanted to be informed in detail about Merkel, who has played a decisive role in the eurozone debt crisis and is widely seen as Europes most powerful leader. As a result, the report said, the NSA stepped up its surveillance of her communications, targeting not only the mobile phone she uses to conduct business for her conservative Christian Democratic Union party but also her encrypted official device. ジョーダン スニーカー A CITY’S plan to fine mothers who have a child out of wedlock has sparked criticism that the policy is discriminatory and could lead to an increase in abandoned babies. エアジョーダン スニーカー No details were given in the one-sentence announcement about Li Dongsheng, who was placed under investigation by the Partys Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The charge usually relates to corruption and abuse of power. エアジョーダン1 The teacher criticized them in the playground and asked them to call their parents to school. These students felt frightened and one suddenly kneeled down and others followed him, Huang said. To bring a sea goddess statue to the islands, the boat, named “Happy Family” in English, left Taiwan early this morning and sailed to the contiguous zone at around 11: 05am with the four guarding ships.
THE Obama administration dashed the hopes of geeks by rejecting an official petition calling for the US government to build a Death Star, the planet-destroying space station from “Star Wars.” エアジョーダン 通販 The Philippine government and then-Manila mayor Alfredo Lim are among nine parties being sued, Tse said, adding that they are also seeking “reasonable” compensation. ジョーダン1 The story, published on the homepages of Next Media websites in Hong Kong and Taiwan, claimed that Yuan Yuan, mother of the first Taiwan-born panda cub, Yuan Zai, was very ill. air force 1 BEIJING’S security chief has called for more firearms training for SWAT officers patrolling a city with its eyes wide open for terrorist attacks. Analyst Addison Armstrong estimates that if producers keep pumping more gas into storage, the country’s stockpiles will surpass the previous record of 3.545 trillion cubic feet in the next seven weeks.
The surgeons then drilled tiny holes into her bones, pulled them close and stitched them together, ensuring the tissues inside were now covered completely by bone fragments. エアジョーダン 通販 Abo, commissioner of Chamdo Prefecture, said the number of Tibetans living in agricultural and pastoral areas who go to hospitals to seek medical advice has seen a substantial increase in recent years as a result of better medical facilities. ジョーダン スニーカー A THIRD victim a baby died today of her wounds and a suspect was detained in a bloody knife attack yesterday in a bus in which 15 people were stabbed in Anyang, a city in central Henan Province. エアジョーダン5 It has incurred losses of over US$340 million since it was founded in Taipei three years ago, says Next Media’s Apple Daily newspaper. Wang had been working at a construction site just 100 meters from the murder scene in August 1994 and was likely to have been one of the onlookers when police were carrying out their investigation, the court was told.
He said warships, war planes and other hardware seized from troops loyal to Kiev will be returned to Ukraine, which could help Russia avoid a potentially costly legal battle in international arbitration courts. エアジョーダン6 Gong wasn’t a government official at the time but still held a post as a deputy to the Yulin People’s Congress, the city’s legislature, according to Xinhua news agency. ジョーダン The study was carried out in healthy schoolchildren between six and eight years old in Hengyang City in central China’s Hunan Province. エアジョーダン スニーカー Medical experts said one big concern is that if animals are fed such antibiotics improperly, the drugs will lose effectiveness because microbes will develop immunity to them. Wulong paid an undisclosed sum reportedly US$1 million, according to some media reports to promote the area as a world natural heritage site through the movie.
TWO successive earthquakes measuring 4.8 and 4.2 magnitude jolted Yibin City, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, this morning, leaving 24 people injured and thousands of houses damaged. air force 1 On average across the European Union, health spending per capita rose by 4.6 percent a year in real terms from 2000 to 2009, but fell 0.6 percent in 2010. エアジョーダン5 This may be because few migrant laborers use the Internet, said Fu Haipeng, another student involved in the plan. “And many migrants don’t believe it. They think it’s just a pie in the sky,” Fu said. エアジョーダン Taiwans weather bureau issued a warning over the storm yesterday morning as it was barrelling past the north of the island. The world’s largest tech company underscored its potential in still-evolving markets for mobile devices such as tablets, storage and networking. But competition in those areas is fierce and getting fiercer.
Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Husanjan Wuxur, Yusup Umarniyaz and Yusup Ahmat to death after convicting them of organizing and leading a terrorist group and endangering public security. エアジョーダン11 Even I myself watch news online via my mobile phone. Its easy to get all the information you need online, he said. エアジョーダン11 Somebody must have done this deliberately as the three needles pierced her liver and a kidney, said Yin Haihe, the girls grandfather. “We must find out who did this!” Guoguos mother is reported to suspect neighbors. ジョーダン スニーカー Zhou is said to have spent the money he stole on Zhang and on his family – an ex-wife and son. Scientists said examination of the skeleton pushes the emergence of primates, which include lemurs, apes and humans, to at least 55 million years ago – 10 million years earlier than believed.
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