Vacature: Product manager AdExchange bij DQ&A

8 december 2009, 06:09

{title}DQ & A is op zoek naar een enthousiaste, klantgerichte en professionele Product Manager AdExchange voor het hoofdkantoor in Voorburg. Je voornaamste doel zal zijn om DQ & A uitgevers de Google AdExchange platform technologie aan te bieden en hen in staat te stellen om inkomsten te creëren op hun overgebleven inventaris.

Als succesvolle Product Manager AdExchange bepaal je de strategie, rapporteerd over de resultaten en de vooruitgang. Daarnaast ben je verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerp en de controle van de begroting. Je identificeert en werft uitgevers en bouwt aan strategische key account partnerschap en genegeerd nieuwe business door mogelijke strategische klanten te benaderen en te bezoeken

Job title:Product manager AdExchange

Focus of the position: To provide DQ&A publishers with Google AdExchange platform technology and enable them to create revenue on their remnant Ad inventory.

Place within the organization: Reports to the CMO

Knowledge and experience

  • Bachelor Degree (preferable in Marketing)
  • Good knowledge of the English language (and preferable Dutch)
  • Minimum 3 years of experience at an online publisher, online network or technology provider
  • Strong analytical and strategic skills
  • Experience with Adexchange
  • Have a strong network in the online advertising market


1. Strategic product management

  • In consult with the CMO sets up the strategy and implementation
  • Periodically reports on results and progress of objectives regarding AdExchange product development
  • Observes points of improvement regarding product development and implement improvements
  • Sets up the budget on annual basis and has responsibility for the budget control
  • Actively follows developments in the AdExchange industry and anticipates on these developments
  • Reports on results to the CMO and advises regarding relevance and achievability

2. Client management

  • Identify and recruit publishers and build strategic key account partnership
  • Set up and maintain long-term partnerships with publishers
  • Match supply and demand of media with the Account and AdOperations department by analyzing the sales & risk assessment
  • Generates new business by approaching and visiting strategic prospects and knows to persuade on basis of argumentation


The product manager AdExchange is authorized to develop and the implement AdExchange product into the product profolio of DQ&A and is responsible for the business model. The product manager AdExchange has budget responsibility.

Overview of job description:

In dialogue with the CMO the product manager AdExchange sets the strategy and reports on results and progress in strategy for AdExchange. Additionally the product manager AdExchange is responsible for the draft and control of the budget. The product manager AdExchange builds up the key contacts with publishers in the market and matches supply and demand on media with the Account and AdOperations department by analyzing sales and risk assessment.


  • Problem solving: thinks in terms of possibilities. Is able to solve issues and problems in a timely and effective manner.
  • Customer and service-orientated: is orientated towards the satisfaction of customers and actively seeks for ways of keeping up this satisfaction and if possible of increasing it.
  • Decisive: takes prompt action in situations and can reasonably predict the consequences.
  • Independence: Carrying out tasks without help from others; trying to take command of problem situations of one’s own volition or acting on own conviction.
  • Cooperation: Making an active contribution to a joint result (organizational target) or to resolving problems or conflicts.
  • Personal strength: Personality with own initiative, self-motivating and strong-willed; has the courage to say what he/she thinks and to adopt an independent viewpoint; efficient under pressure, keeps a cool head and continues to function effectively in stressful situations.
  • Planning and organizing: Applying structure to time, space and priority in dealing with problems.
  • Leadership: Giving good guidance and direction to an individual employee or to a group, employing or increasing cooperation within a Group.
  • Power of persuasion: presents own point of view in an empathic and enthusiastic way and does not allow to be defeated by powerful reactions and opposition.
  • Advisory skills: helps in acquiring and understanding the possible consequences of decisions and offers to support in arriving at solutions to problems.

Is it in your DNA? An obsession with quality? A knack for service? A penchant for better ideas and innovative thinking? Then you’ll feel right at home at DQ&A. Are you a client dedicated professional, enthusiastic and have a good sense of humor?

Contact us!

Please apply by e-mail to our HR department: {encode=”” title=””}

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