Waarom haken online kopers af?

14 januari 2004, 14:08

Uit een recent onderzoek, uitgevoerd door NetIQ’s Webtrends, blijkt dat maar liefst 35% van de potentiele online kopers in de VS afhaakt omdat ze verbaasd zijn over de uiteindelijke kosten. Nog eens 30% haakt af omdat ze vinden dat de site teveel informatie vraagt alvorens online gekocht kan worden. Interessante cijfers die wellicht ook voor de Nederlandse markt gelden.

NetIQ?s WebTrends reports that 35% of US adults who have researched or purchased a product online say that surprise costs would lead them to abandon a purchase online. Another 30% say they would not like when a site asks for too much information in order for them to make a purchase.


WebTrends surveyed 1,000 US adults between 3 and 7 December 2003, 632 of whom had researched or purchased a product online. The survey determined that most online shoppers say that good security policies and prices are the determining factors when considering returning to a site where they’ve already made purchases. Still, a notable 12% say convenience is the key.


Indeed security has been an issue for online shoppers in the US for quite a while. Over 60% of respondents told Ipsos and the BSA that they are concerned their information will be stolen or sold to a third party if supplied online.


For a complete picture of the retail industry and how it is addressing these and other consumer concerns online, read eMarketer?s Retail Industry Online report.

Marco Derksen
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