“Ik wilde gewoon een lekker wijf op een billboard”

31 oktober 2014, 12:30

Verslag van Online Tuesday #46.7: Sex sells vs selling sex

Wulps over motorkappen gedrapeerde vrouwen, tandpasta’s die een onzekere man veranderen in een vrouwenverslindende Don Juan, wie kent ze niet? Veel merken maken gebruik van seks om hun waren aan de man en vrouw te brengen. Reden genoeg om de meest oktobereditie van Online Tuesday te wijden aan ‘sex sells’. Een kijkje in de wereld van seks en marketing.

Serge van der Hooft over ’s werelds grootste erotiekconcern

Serge van der Hooft, CEO van Beate Uhse AG, trapte de avond af. Serge neemt ons mee langs de geschiedenis Beate Uhse en de seksindustrie. Het bedrijf is genoemd naar de oprichtster. Het begon allemaal met een pamflet over anticonceptie. De vrouwen uit de regio wilden niet in groten getale kinderen op de wereld zetten in het na-oorlogse Oost-Duitsland. Dat mondde in 1960 uit in ’s werelds eerste seksshop. In Duitsland heeft Beate Uhse 98 procent bekendheid, vergelijkbaar met het niveau van Coca-Cola. In Nederland kennen we Beate Uhse vooral van merken als Pabo en Christine le Duc.

Een sprong in de tijd. Tot de jaren negentig bestond de seksmarkt uit VHS-videobanden, ‘cabines’ en bioscopen in red light districts. Het product was porno, gericht op de man. Ook postorder was een belangrijk kanaal.

Bron: Antony Stanley

De intrede van het internet in combinatie met de opkomst van speeltjes veranderde dit. Wat gebeurde er?

  • De klant verdween uit de winkel, naar internet.
  • Het aanbod is veelal gratis.

Kijken we naar online dan zien we de volgende tweedeling:

  • Producten: voornamelijk door de opkomst van de vraag van de vrouw. Denk aan speeltjes.
  • Videocontent: video-on-demand, maar ook amateurfilmpjes. Dat laatste gaat veelal op basis van revenue sharing met amateurs. Sommige mensen hebben hun baan ervan gemaakt en verdienen wel zo’n tienduizend euro per maand.

Van Mars naar Venus

Die nieuwe wereld bood zowel uitdagingen als kansen. De belangrijkste kans was de mogellijkheid om speeltjes aan te bieden aan vrouwen via internet. De belangrijkste uitdaging voor de branche is dat de klant nu bepaalt, terwijl daarvoor de winkels bepaalden wat het aanbod in de winkels was.

Andere uitdagingen zijn dat het online makkelijk is om prijzen met elkaar te vergelijken, en dat het internet geleid heeft tot een toestroom van veel nieuwe marktpartijen. Het was ineens voor iedereen mogelijk om een shop te beginnen. Dat is een groot verschil met de tijd van de catagolus, waarin Beate Uhse een monopolie had. Wat wel een voordeel is, is dat de markt an sich veel groter is geworden.

Beate Uhse koos ervoor om zich te richten op de vrouw in plaats van ‘de vieze man’. Het moderne assortment bestaat voornamelijk uit lingerie, speeltjes en beauty & wellness, die via internet worden verkocht. Daarnaast is het bedrijf gestart met verkopen van producten onder haar eigen merk. Ook zet het affiliatemarkting in om aan consumenten te verkopen, ze kunnen volledige drop shipment vanuit de groothandel verzorgen.

Net als andere retailers is Beate Uhse bezig met een omnichannelstrategie. Klanten kunnen producten die ze online bestellen naar een winkel laten sturen. Anderzijds kunnen klanten in de winkel, wanneer een product niet op voorraad is, deze direct online bestellen.

Serge geeft aan dat zij onderscheid maken tussen 4 soorten klanten:

  1. Fun-klant – Op zoek naar spanning/geintje
  2. Passant
  3. Cadeauklant – Die iets leuks cadeau wil doen, een keer geen Rituals
  4. Probleemklant – Die een (aan seks gerelateerd) probleem heeft en daar wat aan wil doen

Seks in marketingcampagnes

De 2e spreker van de avond is Sofie Rockland. Sofie komt zelf uit de fashion-wereld en is daarna 210th gestart. Onder dat merk verkoopt zij ‘producten om de communicatie mee te stimuleren’, producten waarmee stellen weer tijd en aandacht voor elkaar hebben. Het meest bekend zijn de verschillende spellen en pakketten. In de dozen vind je o.a. kaarten met 25 seksvoorstellen erotische voorwerpen (variërend van blinddoeken, en massagekaarsen tot vingervibrators).

Met 210th wil Sofie nadrukkelijk wegblijven van het platte vibratorhoekje van de Etos. In plaats daarvan zet ze sterk in op storytelling. Zo is er een 210th-hotelkamer in een hotel in Londen waar standaard een 210th-box aanwezig is en waar stellen de telefoon uit zetten en tijd & aandacht voor elkaar hebben. Ook werkt ze met kunstenaars om invulling te geven aan de campagnes.

Seks in reclames

Sofie neemt ons mee langs verschillende manieren hoe seks kan worden ingezet voor promotie:

  • Seks is op het randje. Seks is ‘edgy’ en balanceert op het randje tussen wat wel mag en wat niet. Dit blijkt weer eens met een campagne van Suit Supply. De beelden zorgden voor veel ophef en PR en werden van Facebook verwijderd.

De ‘sex sells’-campagne van Diesel (waarvan 1 beeld bovenaan deze post prijkt) zorgde eveneens voor veel ophef. Ook Axe zinspeelt veel op seks.

Er zijn ook oudere voorbeelden te bedenken. Wat te denken van de reclame ‘Tease‘ van Centraal Beheer en Mercedes’ sex sells billboard.

  • Seks is provoceren. Hoewel je bovenstaande voorbeelden ook als provocatie kan zien, benadrukt Sofie deze categorie nog eens apart. Sofie vindt Agent Provocateur een mooi voorbeeld. In de campagne ‘Don’t forget Valentine’s Day!’ spreekt het merk de vrouw aan.

Is het seks of de ophef die ‘sellt’?

De laatste spreker van de avond is Rob Heilbron, mede-oprichter en voormalig marketingadviseur van Sapph, het lingeriemerk dat zich onderscheidt met o.a. ‘pakkende’ abri-campagnes. Rob Heilbron heeft in het verleden O’Neill naar Europa gebracht en is daarna bij Sapph aan de slag gegaan. Rob is recht voor z’n raap en vertelt graag. In een discussie met moderator Bram Koster vertelt Rob over zijn ervaringen.

Hoe groot was het succes van Sapph? Op het moment dat Rob instapte bij Sapph, bedroeg de jaaromzet 150.000 euro. Een jaar later was dit opgelopen tot 1,1 miljoen euro.

Het concept van de uitingen van Sapph was simpel. “Pure geilheid”, aldus Rob. Het verhaal van Sapph is er een van ophef. “In plaats van plaatjes op internet‚ wilde ik gewoon een lekker wijf op een billboard”, aldus Rob.

Vanwege het blootgehalte en het ‘Photoshop-gehalte’ zorgde Sapph zelfs voor kamervragen, vlogen auto’s uit de bocht en werd het merk als ‘vrouwonvriendelijk’ bestempeld. Als Bram vraagt naar hoe Rob daar over denkt, in relatie tot bijvoorbeeld de ‘echte vrouw’-campagnes van Dove, is Rob duidelijk: “Moeten wij dikke vrouwen op billboards zetten om vrouwen die er niet uit zien goed te laten voelen over zichzelf? Dan moeten ze maar geen twee keer per week naar de McDonald’s gaan.”

Ook kreeg het Sapph het aan de stok met Marlies Dekkers, omdat de ontwerpen “teveel op die van haar leken”. Dat mondde uiteindelijk uit in een jarenlange strijd in de rechtbanken. Alle ophef die dat veroorzaakte, heeft Sapph geen windeieren gelegd. “Het verschil was in het begin 2 ton vs. 30 miljoen euro omzet”, aldus Rob. “In een strijd tussen David en Goliath hebben mensen vaak sympathie voor de eerste.”

Online vs. offline

In de tijd dat Rob bij Sapph actief was heeft hij nooit online kanalen ingezet. Ook was er geen online verkoopkanaal. Inmiddels heeft Sapph wel een webshop, maar daarvan verlopen de verkopen relatief slecht. Grote verkopers als Wehkamp en V&D doen het goed, zo stelt Rob.

Sex sells, ook als het niet relevant is?

We noemden al eerder dat seks een gevoelig onderwerp is. Het is daarom niet vreemd dat de afzender erg bepalend is in hoe er op de advertentie wordt gereageerd. Voor een jong, nieuw of rebels merk – daar werkt het voor. Voor Beate Uhse veel minder, juist omdat ze er met hun aanbod dichtbij zitten. Als niet-sexy merk is het makkelijker seks te gebruiken zonder kritiek. Het wordt dan sneller humor.

Partners en sponsoren

Online Tuesday is het maandelijkse event over online marketing dat wordt georganiseerd door Marketingfacts, Traffic4U, NEWPEOPLE, DQ&A Media Group en PostNL.

De events worden mede mogelijk wordt gemaakt door onze sponsoren Nextail, MeasureWorks en Massarius.

Danny Oosterveer
Data-gedreven digital marketeer bij Datasexual

Data-gedreven digital marketeer. Resident bij Amdax en Woonduurzaam. Daarnaast vertel ik vaak als spreker over data-gedreven marketing. Auteur van het boek Data-bedreven marketing. Eén van de twee Groene Nerds.


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    She got a job with the DuPont chemical company in nineteen forty-six. It was the beginning of a career with the company that lasted about forty years. spaccio moncler There should be required safety assessments before these crops are put on the market. That is not what happens in the United States. piumini moncler Aidin, a Tabriz resident, said he went to give blood at a local hospital on Saturday and saw staff struggling to cope with the influx of patients. giubbini moncler Aleppo, the largest city in Syria and its commercial center, holds great symbolic and strategic importance. Some 40 kilometers from the Turkish border, it has been a pillar of regime support during the uprising. An opposition victory there would allow easier access for weapons and fighters from Turkey, where many rebels are based. Internet cafes have a poor record of implementing the ban, said the report, as most managers are reluctant to tackle smokers, fearing it will affect their business.

    In eighteen eighty-two, Congress passed the “Rivers and Harbors Bill.” The bill would cost almost nineteen million dollars. President Arthur vetoed the bill. He said it would waste too much money. But Congress passed the bill into law over his veto. moncler outlet There were no casualties in yesterday’s airstrike on Ras Lanouf, which came one day after pro-Gadhafi forces pounded opposition fighters with helicopter gunships, artillery and rockets to stop the rebels’ rapid advance toward Tripoli. moncler bambino What a draw! already looking forward to the matches against @Besiktas! #Turkey #Istanbul #Arsenal #AFC #UCLdraw tweeted Arsenals Germany midfielder Mesut Ozil. giubbotti moncler THE first of eight court-martial trials was to begin yesterday for United States soldiers accused of hazing a Chinese-American recruit over his ethnicity until he killed himself in Afghanistan. moncler piumini Reacting to disorganized accounts that were recorded by hand rather than via computer, Cai Zhangqing, deputy director of the Wenzhou Red Cross, told 66wz.com that he has asked an accounting firm to clear up the muddled accounts.

    The only thing they might gain is weight. Recent studies show that children gain weight more quickly in the summer than when they are in school. piumini moncler HOLLYWOOD showed some love for its history at the Oscars on Sunday, giving its best film award and four others to silent movie “The Artist” in a Los Angeles ceremony that recalled why cinema is special to so many people. piumini moncler outlet Jia Qinglin, chairman of the national committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, said in his keynote speech that expanding and deepening cross-Strait exchanges was the best way to achieve mutual understanding, mutual learning and mutual benefits. giubbotti moncler But with the booming housing market, many residents like Xu have razed their traditional houses and built new concrete ones that are often two or three stories high. The total sum was deposited into a special account for Rao to trade stocks – with her taking all the risks.

    28 november 2014 om 00:31

    More than half of young black men in the United States do not finish high school. Many grow up without fathers and in neighborhoods with gangs, drugs and violence. Sixty percent of those who drop out of school have spent time in jail by the age of thirty-five. piumini moncler People use teff flour to make bread and other foods. Now teff is finding new uses in foods for people with celiac disease. maliparmi outlet A credit downgrade would drive up borrowing costs for the government, further compounding the Dutch economic malaise. outlet moncler Holmes, a 24-year-old former PhD student at the University of Colorado, Denver, sat during the hearing with the dazed demeanor that he had in two previous court appearances. Li Ming, vice president of the Shanghai Bar Association, who participated in drafting the law, admitted its implementation is weak.

    History expert Linda Stradley published a hamburger history on the Web site What’s Cooking America. She says sailors who visited the German port city of Hamburg in the eighteen hundreds learned to enjoy ground meat known as Hamburg steak. And German settlers in the United States served ground beef and called it hamburg steak after the German city. giubbotto moncler Morning rains threatened to set off new slides even as emergency crews used excavating equipment to search for victims at the most devastated site — a slum built atop a garbage dump that was buried by a landslide. giubbotti moncler ARSENAL faces Turkish side Besiktas and reprieved Celtic meets Slovenian title-holder Maribor in the Champions League playoffs later this month. piumini moncler outlet Toronto used a timeout and gave the ball to Lowry, whose driving shot was blocked by Pierce as time expired. Lowry lay prone on the floor as the Nets celebrated. moncler bambino The country’s railway authority said that it put 517 more trains into service on Thursday to cope with Lunar New Year travel demand, and 672 additional trains are scheduled to be put into operation yesterday, the day that the ministry expects the post-festival travel peak to start.

    Students who continue in school may earn a master’s degree after two or three more years of study. Many Americans earn master’s degrees at night or on the weekends while they are working. One example of this is the M.B.A., a master’s degree in business administration. Students learn to deal with all kinds of business situations. They develop skills needed by many companies. moncler online The significance of this day cannot be overstated, said a beaming NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. “It’s a great day for America. It’s actually a great day for the world because there are people who thought that we had gone away, and today says, ‘No, we’re not going away at all.'” moncler uomo It reflects the issues of health and age that will one day turn control of the oil giant to a younger generation, as the Mideast is shaken by political upheavals and calls for change that have so far been held back by Gulf leaders. moncler bambino GERMANYS World Cup winners shared their fourth title with hundreds of thousands of fans by parading the trophy through cheering throngs to celebrate at the historic Brandenburg Gate yesterday. The mens and womens champions will receive 1.65 million euros each, 150,000 euros more than 2013, and losing finalists will receive 825,000 euros, a raise of 75,000 euros. Last year, the prize money went up from 18.7 million euros to 22 million euros. There are also notable increases for losers in the second, third and fourth rounds. The tournament begins on May 25.

    1 december 2014 om 01:35

    Turkey producers in the United States are expected to raise two hundred seventy-two million birds this year. That estimate is four percent higher than last year. Two-thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, Virginia, Missouri and California. giubbini moncler After her first novel, Dorothy West continued writing stories and short pieces containing her ideas on different subjects. Her second novel was published forty-seven years later, in nineteen ninety-five. It is called “The Wedding.” moncler uomo Two years later, Sanders received a letter from the Treasury Department asking for details of his expenditures in Cuba. He said he was scared, had lost the receipts and missed the deadline to return the form. moncler uomo The nationalists have accused the Democrats of rigging the general vote, including the first-round presidential ballot – the charge that was rejected by authorities, but is fueling fears of possible post-election violence. A pair of “super” political action committees supporting top Republican United States presidential candidates spent nearly US$24 million in January, drawing upon major gifts and repeat donations from wealthy business executives, according to financial reports the groups filed on Monday with the government.

    Christian in France expressed a different concern, saying: The big problem of the transgenic seeds is that they are the monopoly of big companies. The small farmers cannot reproduce any more seeds by themselves. moncler milano But if those moves were widely viewed as efforts to attract a younger audience, this one is also aimed at baby boomers and even their parents, who might recall pictorials of long gone movie stars, interviews with the likes of John Lennon and Dr Martin Luther King and the time former President Jimmy Carter famously revealed the lust in his heart. piumini moncler OLDER women who eat a lot of starchy and sweet carbohydrates may be at increased risk of a less common but deadlier form of breast cancer, according to a recent European study. giubbini moncler DEFENDING champion Guangzhou Evergrande of China has been drawn to meet first-time qualifiers Western Sydney Wanderers in the quarterfinals of the Asian Champions League. spaccio moncler The accident happened at 4 am when the two vehicles crashed near Da Qaidam township, Haixi Mongol-Tibetan autonomous prefecture, on National Highway No. 315 which runs from the provincial capital Xining to Kashgar of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, according to a traffic police officer under the provincial public security department.

    ROBERT BOSTIC:? There were two severe winters that killed hundreds of thousands of cattle. An extremely dry summer killed the grass, and thousands more died of hunger. The cattle industry itself almost died. moncler milano Police officer Mohammad Azhar said the buses were traveling from Rawalpindi city to Gilgit when the gunmen attacked. moncler bambino The feud, one of many over issues as diverse as culture, pollution and borders in the region of 600 million people, adds to the difficulties leaders face in trying to turn Southeast Asia into a unified economic community by 2015. moncler outlet However, Wang Fukui, Li’s lawyer, told the court that the real prices of the sweaters were between 100 yuan and 150 yuan, and Li had only sold over 400 sweaters with a total income of around 60,000 yuan in the four months. But this claim was not supported by the court. Salmond, a wily politician, appeared to have won a tactical advantage by hosting Cameron on his home ground while Cameron had to make the long journey from London.

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    6 december 2014 om 09:53

    The video from the Saturday event in Sofia shows the man climbing the podium where Ahmed Dogan, the leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, was speaking, and pointing the gun to his face. piumini moncler outlet Market speculation were mounting earlier this year that China may raise its interest rates in the second half of this year to cool off economic activities. Now, with the economic growth taming and private indicators showing possible industrial contraction, economists like Lu are putting down such expectation. But some said further tightening is still needed to ward off possible inflation increase. giubbini moncler Ships and vessels, stranded at sea or in city ports, were able to continue their journeys at 7am yesterday. moncler milano Researchers discovered about 900 acetylated proteins in liver cells, compared with the 100 previously known ones. They believe the acetylated proteins are also widespread in other body parts. A banned food addictive is used regularly in mutton by breeders in Yanwo Town, the largest sheep-breeding center in east China’s Shandong Province, and the mutton has been sold to 17 provinces and municipalities.

    With our planned investments in new products and mobility concepts, for example electric propulsion, we are creating a basis for our company’s future growth, said Axel Strotbek, who oversees finance and organization at the company. piumino moncler We need to see not just the promise of recovery, but actual data, said Uri Landesman, head of global growth strategies at ING Investment Management. “The worst of the bear market is certainly behind us, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be straight up.” giubbotto pelle uomo Moreover, gender testing for non-medical reasons is illegal in China. Hospitals may do the tests only if the pregnant woman has some gender-related genetic diseases, he added. giubbotto pelle uomo Another local surnamed Yang, 62, said he reached the banks of the creek at 8am. He “wanted to witness history” and was proud of the repairs to the bridge. moncler bambino Li appealed nine days later and the Shandong People’s Higher Court heard the case on March 17.

    Their four-hour return voyage began earlier today when the Russian-made capsule undocked from the space station and began its slow drift away. The craft made a “flawless entry” back into the Earth’s atmosphere and performed a perfect upright landing at around 9:10 am local time (0310gmt), the NASA commentator said. moncler online Shanghai has welcomed spring before March 11 for the past five years except for 2005 when it arrived on March 30. moncler milano The law should be carefully framed, the more detailed the better, he said at the annual CPPCC meeting. moncler milano A BUSINESS journalist is wanted by police in east China’s Zhejiang Province after his coverage of backdoor trading in a listed firm in Suichang County. THE Expo Court, set up to deal with problems at the event, has solved another case by getting both parties to come to an understanding.

    15 december 2014 om 18:19

    They dont really want to work for my company. What they want is to stay in China longer. It is illegal, he said. moncler uomo In most cases, banks said borrowers who enjoyed the previous 15-percent discount – which meant they had a solid repayment history with no severe defaults – could apply for the lower rates. giubbini moncler One of Yue’s 38 gang members who stood trial with him was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve. Three were sentenced to life in prison and others face prison ranging from two years to 20 years. The gang was found responsible for three murders. The court said Yue, the former director of Nanbin Road police station in Chongqing’s Nan’an District, started the gang in 1996 after he controlled a local cinema. He used violence to edge out competition in the district and started to recruit former convicts and retired soldiers to the gang while serving as police officer. giubbotti moncler But Nanjing police were criticized for ignoring the feelings of the offenders and their families. One netizen known as sai1000 said what Nanjing police did was an act of “microblog violence.” The credibility of China’s dairy industry took a hammering in 2008 when milk laced with melamine, a chemical added to milk products to make their protein content seem richer, sickened 300,000 children and killed six.

    Two people suffering from smoke inhalation were in intensive care at Sydneys Concord Hospital yesterday, hospital spokeswoman Kate Benson said. Three firefighters were also treated for burns, officials said. moncler uomo The DPRK said Friday that the current question was not whether, but when a war would break out on the peninsula. Pyongyang has told foreign embassies to consider possible evacuation if tensions flare up. moncler outlet Higher food prices blamed on flooding were also reported in the eastern provinces of Anhui and Jiangxi. moncler donna Shanghai Tianhe Culture Broadcast Co Ltd, a company entrusted by music copyright owners to collect royalties in the city, suggested the commercial idea to karaoke bars. moncler outlet CHINA’S overall competitiveness in the world ranks 20th, a fall of three places compared to last year, according to a new report released by the Swiss-based global business school IMD yesterday.

    Other celebrities publicly to oppose independence include singer David Bowie who appealed to Scotland to stay with the UK at an awards ceremony in February and Scottish comedian Billy Connolly who said it was a time to stay together. piumini moncler The round shape of the yurt symbolizes harmonious coexistence between the nomadic peoples and nature. Mountain scenery and alpine lakes are spectacular and draw trekkers and horseback riders. giubbotti moncler For a career woman like me, money is not a problem, I just want my health and beauty back, a participant surnamed Xu said. “I also persuaded four friends to come. giubbotto moncler All 42 countries and the African Union in the pavilion will dispatch an official to be the pavilion director by turns. A photographic exhibition featuring Shanghai’s 2010 World Expo was launched in Pasadena, California, over the weekend.

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    12 juni 2017 om 10:40

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