Online advertising in 2006
Het is weer bijna het einde van het jaar en traditiegetrouw komen dan diverse websites en tijdschriften met voorspellingen voor het nieuwe jaar. Afgelopen week gaven de interactive marketeers van 24/7 Real Media alvast hun voorspellingen op het gebied van online advertising:
- Consumer-generated media will become increasingly attractive to advertisers
- Advertisers will continue shifting traditional ad spending to the Web due to increased Internet consumption and better targeting/reporting capabilities
- Advertisers, cable providers and interactive marketing experts will collaborate to address “The TiVo Effect”
- Brand advertisers will drive the next wave of growth for the paid search market
- Best practices in localized mobile marketing will be perfected overseas in 2006
- Online advertisers will employ holistic targeting methods to deliver better results and reduce reliance on high-profile, high-CPM ad buys
- Technology and better data access will transform online advertising success to a formulaic equation
- Japan will be the next frontier for paid search and interactive marketing
- Mobile carriers will adopt new ad models to boost revenue beyond usage
- Performance-based pricing models will demonstrate the true value of search engine marketing (SEM) as a lead generation channel
Twee voorspellingen die ik mis zijn de enorme toename van viral of buzzmarketing en de verdergaande integratie van online advertising en offline advertising. Welke mis jij nog?
I think South Korea, with its 8 billion dollar target for games turnover is more exciting than Japan, especially if games and advertisers link up with the new xbox360 and PS3. This is far more exciting than the struggling TV networks gradually waking up to the fact that the viewer is voting with their remote/TIVO. You don’t want to be in traditional TV advertising right now. I also see more links between digital signage and on-line…not in NL but in Asia.
In het laatste hoofdstuk van Communities Dominate Brands wordt ingegaan op What’s Next? We can see the future. It is happening in some countries already. If you want to see where broadband internet, 3G mobile telecoms, mobile blogging and MMOG virtual worlds are the most advanced, make a pilgrimage every year to South Korea. If you want to see what blogging and the business on the fixed internet is like in the future, visit the USA. To see the future of videogaming, electronics, mobile commerce and convergence, the obvious country where that future already exists is Japan. If you want to see how society changes with the adoption of the mobile phone, the leading country is still Finland.
Wat ik mis is de trend van wat ik voor het gemak maar de naam ‘in-advertising’. Een containerbegrip over de trend dat adverteerders ‘in’ tal rss-en, weblogs, vodcasts enz., maar binnen redactionele presences willen adverteren, op zoek naar specifieke doelgroepen.
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