Online advertising in Europa over 4 miljard euro

28 februari 2006, 10:19

Ik krijg net een persbericht binnen van IAB Europe waarin wordt aangegeven dat de online mediabesteingen in Europa inmiddels de 4 miljard euro is gepasseerd:

(…) In the 14 countries where data from national IAB teams was available, the total recorded or estimated spend for 2005 collectively was €4.02bn. The UK continues to lead the way, accounting for 35.9% of all Europe’s online advertising spend, France has the second largest share of the market (27.3%), and Germany accounts 22% which gives it the third largest share (although their figures do not include a provision for online classified advertising). There remains a significant gap between the three largest markets and the next tier, with Spain estimating their market to be worth 3.7% of European spend and Italy reporting an actual spend of 3.4% which places it the fifth largest market in Europe. (…)

(…) The web is accounting for around 5% of advertising spend in several developed markets and increasing at rates between 30% and 60% year-on-year in many markets. However with the internet accounting for more than 20% of consumer media time across Europe, IAB Europe has identified a key disconnect between where audiences have moved to and where marketers remain focused. (…)

De cijfers voor de Nederlandse markt werden eerder deze week gepubliceerd.

Zie ook:

Europese cijfers voor online adverteren

Europese markt voor zoekmachinemarketing naar 3 miljard euro

Marco Derksen
Partner bij Upstream

Oprichter/partner Upstream, Marketingfacts, Arnhem Direct, SportNext, TravelNext, RvT VPRO, Bestuur Luxor Live, social business, onderwijs, fotografie en vader!


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Marketingfacts. Elke dag vers. Mis niks!