Why Won’t Johnny Read?

Young people increasingly are getting their news from Web sites, usually those produced by daily newspapers, network news organizations and newsmagazines.
Most don’t charge a fee to access information with the exception of the Wall Street Journal. But recently the Worcester (Mass.) Telegram & Gazette, a division of the New York Times Co., and the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch introduced subscriptions to their online editions for those who don’t buy the paper.
“Kids love the Web sites. … So, why in hell would you cut off the best line of communication you have to them?” Hartman said. “If newspapers are serious about getting [young adults] to read the print product, then cutting off access to the online edition is foolhardy and ridiculous.”
None of the young people interviewed said they would pay for news via the Internet. They would switch from Web sites that assess fees to those that don’t. Some also balked at registration.
Where 18-to 34-year olds in the metro area get their information:
Daily newspaper 55%
Sunday newspaper 56%
Magazine 94%
Internet 80%
Radio 92%
Television 79%
NOTE: Figures for adults in Nassau Suffolk and Queens based on Scarborugh surveys 2002; magazine readership percentages based on Simmons Fall 2001 NCS.